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ESG is foundational to our governance processes and integrated to business performance and accountability

Being a responsible Mint means having a strong, ethical approach to corporate governance. Our north star is accountability on all sides, including how we source materials, manufacture our products and choose our business partners. Our approach relies on strong management systems, risk assessment and mitigation, third-party auditing and public accountability.

In a similar vein, we’ve overhauled our procurement process and contract management guidelines to be able to strategically demand that our partners hit certain sustainability metrics, which ultimately helps us build a more sustainable supply chain from end-to-end.

Protecting supply chains from bad actors isn’t the only area on which the Mint is focused. Our big-picture ESG commitments include identifying opportunities to improve work conditions for Indigenous and women miners, as well as funding research and development into more sustainable and environmentally friendly processes.

ESG Updates

This section will be continually updated with articles, photos, videos and more. There will be new content to share in the weeks and month ahead, so be sure to check back often.

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Mint Pride

Mar 01, 2024Social
<strong>Business Practices</strong><br /><p>Fully implement ESG considerations into contracting lifecycle.</p>
<strong>Responsible Sourcing</strong><br /><p>Refinery traceability program in place.</p>
<strong>Certifications</strong><br /><p>Achieve and maintain industry-leading certifications.</p>
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Environmental, Social and Governance Principles

We are committed to acting responsibly by minimizing our impact on the environment, cultivating safe and inclusive workplaces and making a positive difference in the communities where we operate.