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We’re innovating to make our facilities and products greener

Our state-of-the-art Winnipeg facility will be carbon neutral by 2030, meaning all of our domestic and foreign circulation coins from that point onward will be carbon neutral.

In 2021, the Winnipeg facility received ISO 14001:2015 certification for environmental compliance. The certification — awarded to organizations around the world that prove they have effective frameworks for environmental management — was the result of extensive efforts to integrate sustainable and responsible measures across the Mint’s operations.

Our certification is a major step forward in the Mint’s work to become a more environmentally responsible and sustainable organization, but it’s not the end of our process. We’re committed to innovation and continuous environmental improvement in the quest to make the Mint as green as possible.

ESG Updates

This section will be continually updated with articles, photos, videos and more. There will be new content to share in the weeks and month ahead, so be sure to check back often.

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Mint Pride

Mar 01, 2024Social
<strong>Carbon Emissions</strong><br /><p>Investments to achieve carbon neutral circulation business by 2030.</p>
<strong>Waste Diversion</strong><br /><p>Establish and monitor KPIs for manufacturing waste, recycling and composting.</p>
<strong>Water Consumption</strong><br /><p>Identify opportunities to reduce water consumption by 5% over 3 years.</p>
<strong>Environmental Incidents</strong><br /><p>0 major incidents.</p>
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Environmental, Social and Governance Principles

We are committed to acting responsibly by minimizing our impact on the environment, cultivating safe and inclusive workplaces and making a positive difference in the communities where we operate.