Coin Care
Caring for coins is not just a question of esthetics: your collection requires proper handling and storage to ensure the integrity of your prized possessions.

Use cotton gloves
- Skin oils and dirt damage your coin's finish and value. Never handle coins with bare hands, instead, use cotton gloves.
- Avoid latex or plastic gloves, as their powder or lubricants can damage coins.
Holding your coin
- Always pick up coins by the edges, between the thumb and forefinger.
- Never hold a coin by touching the obverse or reverse surface.
- To avoid damage should it be dropped, hold your coin over a thick, soft towel.
- Limit talking over the coin: tiny, almost invisible drops of saliva can create impossible-to-remove spots.

Cleaning your coin
- As a general rule: unless you are an experienced specialist, avoid cleaning your coins.
- Even wiping coins with a soft cloth may damage their finish and drastically reduce their value.
Displaying your coin
- Use small, PVC-free plastic bags or slabs (sealed, hard plastic cases) for valuable collector coins.
- For coins of lower value, keep them in acid-free paper sleeves or envelopes, tubes, folders or albums.