Coin Recycling
The Royal Canadian Mint is committed to recycling coins. Every coin put back into circulation is one less to produce, which makes recycling an efficient and cost-effective way to provide change to the marketplace.

Turn small change into found money
Nickels, dimes, quarters, loonies and toonies. Coins add up fast, yet often lie around in jars and drawers. Instead of leaving your hidden treasure to collect dust, why not recycle your spare change?
You'll be amazed at how quickly your spare change adds up to something big!
Coin counting machines turn your coins into cash, faster!
Take a look in your pockets, your piggy bank and your purse – and turn this small change into found money. Coin recycling is catching on throughout Canada. Keep your eyes open and change ready for a coin recycling kiosk near you!

Over 1 billion circulation coins are minted each year at our high-tech plant in Winnipeg. We not only produce all of Canada’s circulation coins, we also manage the national coin supply – from weekly forecasting, to production, to recycling and eventual retirement.